Odszkodowanie za dziurÄ™ w drodze
A co mi tam - podziele siê zaj***** info ... generalnie chodzi o Stellarvue SV80SB czyli triplet 80mm F6 :
http://www.opticsplanet.net/stellarvue-ref...uch-sv80sb.htmlJe¶li komu¶ uda siê doj¶æ w³asnymi drogami do tego czy to aby napewno rosyjskie szk³o takie jak w TMB, APM czy Stellarvue SV80SB (
http://www.stellarvue.com/sv80s.html ) by³oby super.... moze kto¶ to wogóle ma ?
Generalnie tak niska cena mocno mnie zaskoczy³a wiêc ruszy³em z pytaniem na grupê yahoo Stellarvue :
I have found this item : http://www.opticspla...net/stellarvue- refractor-telescope-80mm-non-feather-touch-sv80sb.html Is this LOMO lens like this one: http://www.stellarvue.com/sv80s.html or if not than what is this ( FPL-53? )? ODP:
Filip, These are the same telescope, only the one that OpticsPlanet is selling on that link does not have the Feathertouch focuser, but a 2-speed import focuser instead. The objective is the same, made by LOMO of Russia using OK4 glass. David E Filip:
If I'm using Robofocus does it change anything if I have that 2-speed import focuser instead of Feathertouch focuser? At the moment I have a Nighthawk wih 2-speed (1:11) focuser which is pretty good in my opinion and works very fine with robofocus.... so is that 2-speed import focuser the same I have at the moment ? I'm asking as the difference in the price beetween those two scopes mentioned below is really big and I'm trying to find where is the "big diffenerce".... the focuser can't cost over 500$ ! ;P Thanks for your reply... Filip ODP:
I have this one. It is the same lens, different focuser. SV only makes them with the FT focuser now. I also got mine with the import focuser due to the price difference. It is, IMO, a very good focuser. The focuser looks a lot like this one (but I don't know if they are the same): http://www.astromech...files/image.jpg
Hope it helps, Sřren Optics Planet is not listed as a Dealer on the Stellarvue web site. However for a short time a dual speed import focuser option was offered on the SV80S. That said I'll let Vic handle it from here.
David B. Pen Argyl, PA That's odd, as I've been buying Stellarvue accessories from them since late last year.
David E I believe it's the same focuser as both scopes are the same size diameter. I'd send an email to Stellarvue to make sure though.
David E I'll let Vic confirm the actual requirements, but I believe to be listed on the SV website as an "SV dealer" requires a certain sales volume of SV telescopes and accessories. Our local scope shop, S&S Optika, sells SV stuff but is not listed as dealer on the SV website.
JimC Denver Filip, If I recall correctly, the cost difference between the SV80S with Feather Touch and the SV80SB with imported focuser was about $300. The dealer is offering an "open box" demo scope at an additional $200 discount, which accounts for the total difference of $500. That sounds like a really good deal if the scope is in pristine condition.
JimC Denver Filip:
Thanks very much... I would say it's an outstanding deal - a LOMO triplet for 1245$ is excactly what I need ;) I'll phone theese guys to make sure if there is no mistake with the lens type... BTW does anyone have a nice shiny and easy-to-understand glass type comparision including FPL-51, 53, LOMO (OK.4 ?), flourite and others ( what others ?) - generally the problem seems to be pretty complicated and it would be cool to have some idea on what i what... Happy Easter to everyone from Filip from Poland ;) Ten post by³ edytowany przez
philips dnia: 18 March 2008 - 18:33
Tak przy okazji wyci±g "FeatherTouch" to tez fajna rzecz... kolejny kroczek w przód...
Dla wyja¶nienia to wyci±gi firmy Starlight Instruments
http://www.starlightinstruments.com/Jednak wyci±g jaki mam obecnie w moim Stellarvue 80ED jest zupelnie fajny i nie widze specjlanego powodu przesiadania siê na inny (jednak lepszy) zak³adaj±c pracê z Robofocusem .... z drugiej strony te wyci±gi "piórkowe" maja pewnie wiêksz± no¶no¶æ wiêc mo¿e warto pomysleæ przysz³o¶ciowo - 300$ jednak nie chodzi piechot±....
Kto¶ ma FeatherTouch co by sie podzieliæ wra¿eniami ?
Ten post by³ edytowany przez
philips dnia: 18 March 2008 - 18:44
Za nieco wiêcej ni¿ 300$ mo¿na kupiæ 3" Baadera. Ciekawe jak to chodzi. Tylko on nie nadaje siê do 80-tki. O triplecie mo¿emy porozmawiaæ w Bieszczadach.