[S] Okular Coronado CEMAX 18mm dla s³oneczników 

Odszkodowanie za dziurÄ™ w drodze

Sprzedam okular firmy Coronado z serii CEMAX o ogniskowej 18mm. ¦wietne szkie³ko do obserwacji S³oñca ale czê¶ciej u¿ywam zooma Lunta ;)
W zestawie dwa dikielki.

Cena 220z³

Cena w dó³: 200z³

We¼ na zlot, rzucê okiem, jak bêdzie gra³ z Pestk±.

Mia³em kiedy¶ do dyspozycji ten okular z PeSTk± i ¶miga³ znakomicie. Na zlot go zabiorê ;)

Hi. Ten okularek jest w jakis sposob dedykowany specialnie do obserwacji slonca ?, jaesli tak bylbym zaintersowany.
Jakie ma pole ?

Pozdr. Artur

Artur, wychodzê z za³o¿enia ¿e znasz j.angielski:

"In the construction of solar filters and associated instrumentation, Coronado takes enormous care to optimize contrast by minimizing the number of components and designing them so that they do not result in creating residual reflections and spurious light near the image. Until recently, the only component not included in this overall approach was the eyepiece. Now the new CEMAX (Contrast Enhanced) series eyepiece fills this need. Specifically designed for use at H-Alpha and multi coated on every surface (including cemented surfaces), the CEMAX eyepieces are the ultimate in contrast enhancement for the solar observer. THE CEMAX EYEPIECES ARE NOT FILTERS AND FOR SOLAR OBSERVING MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A SAFE SOLAR FILTER. Many users have commented that the CEMAX also afford excellent contrast for planetary viewing.

The CEMAX are currently available in 25mm, 18mm, 12mm, and a 2X Barlow. 20mm eye relief. Apparent FOV52 degrees."

Pogrubienia ja doda³em dla pokazania tego co Ciê interesuje.

Chcialbym go uzywac z Equinoxem 66 i filtrem szklanym Oriona. Ma to sens ? Bedzie roznica niz np z LV 10 mm ?
Jakie ma pole ? edit: juz zauwazylem 52 stopnie.
Pozdr. Artur
Ten post by³ edytowany przez fiorina01 dnia: 11 April 2010 - 17:00
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