Advanced MOD SC 

Odszkodowanie za dziurÄ™ w drodze

Czytaj±c artyku³y na temat modyfikacji Webcamerek natrafi³em na co¶ takiego:
When the cameras were originally completed, using the SC Advanced Mod, we immediately noticed randomness in the images. It was discovered that as exposure lengths were extended, some frames began to be dropped. Beyond 2 minutes, no exposures could be captured at all, it seemed that the signal from the parallel port was falling off. I began to suspect that the parallel port was being dragged down by the mod circuitry itself. I replaced the 10K resistors between USB +5 and the parallel port pins with 100K and the 470s with 4.7K. This had no effect at all. Even after weeks of troubleshooting, I was unable to understand the cause of the problem. Using an oscilloscope, I could see the pulses deteriorate and eventually fade away completely after a minute or so. Note that all the SC camera control software out there, that I have access to, produces the same results (i.e. Desire, K3CCD, Astro-Video and AstroArt).

Krótko mówi±c, jest jaki¶ problem z t± modyfikacj±. Czy kto¶ ma kamerkê przerobion± t± technik±, mia³ jakie¶ problemy z d³ugimi czasami ?
Czy w ogóle warto anga¿owac siê w t± zaawansowan± przeróbkê, czy wystarczy standardowa ?
